Hey you!
In July, we had 13 dedicated members canvassing and acquired 34 contacts, and gained 6 new members. And now we're ready to do it again!
Metro Justice needs new members to grow and keep fighting for what we believe in. We will be knocking on doors in the Rochester area in order to teach people about Metro Justice, our Fight for Economic Justice Campaign, and ultimately, to have them become active members this organization (just like you!).
If we had more volunteers, think of all the other people we can reach. Do you think you're up for it? I think so! The more volunteers we have, the more more prospective members we can reach. You can play a vital role in growing this organization. That being said, we NEED you to join us!
Join us at Equal Grounds on Sunday, August 17th at 2pm where we will do a brief training followed by Canvassing of the Highland Park Neighborhood!
Please RSVP below, we're so excited for you to join the team!

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