Connecting the Dots: Poverty, Racism, and Drones - Metro Justice

Connecting the Dots: Poverty, Racism, and Drones


Rochester Against War, Metro Justice, and Upstate Drone Action invite you to:

Connecting the Dots: Poverty, Racism and Drones
A talk by Cornel West

Dr. West will speak to the relationship between poverty and racism at home, and unending wars abroad. Dr. Cornel West is an engaging speaker and a charismatic individual. He has been called a prominent, provocative, populist intellectual. What is a populist Intellectual? Well perhaps a man who has deep understanding and the ability to communicate with a broad audience. Dr West is a Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice at Union Theological Seminary and Professor Emeritus at Princeton University. He has a long list of academic credentials, and yet spends much of his time communicating with ordinary people to provide a connection between understanding complex social problems and the becoming empowered in our own lives.

Following Dr. West's talk, we will gather for a permitted rally at near Hancock Air National Guard Base at 4:30 and a short walk to deliver People's Orders of Protection against Drone Terrorism to the base.  

Meet at Metro Justice Parking lot at 11:30am.   Expect to be back in Rochester by 7:30pm

Buy your tickets to ride with us below.

April 27, 2014 at 2:00pm - 5pm
Tucker Missionary Baptist Church
515 Oakwood Ave
Syracuse, NY 13205
United States
Google map and directions
Judy Bello · · 585-733-4058
Katie Keough Judith Bello Daniel Kaiya Shedd Liz Field Karen Molloy Balman Diane Cohen Vince Sgambati Michael Desalvo Rachel Hickman Barbato Lee Bauer Hope Dawn Lowe Paki Wieland Caleb R Thomas Jonathan Kline Beth Harris Jessica Stewart John Amidon Kawennokta Sara Oakes John Washington Ii Geoff Oldfield Victoria Ross Mike Pasquale Janet Wylde Poco Peg Bowers Safia Ng Diane Farnham Mostafa Ahmadi Christy French Ellen Grady

Will you come?

$25.00 Sponsor Ticket
Pays for yourself and one low-income scholarship
$15.00 Regular Ticket
Pays for one seat.
$5.00 Low-Income
If the full price is out of your range.

Showing 149 reactions

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  • Ron Ehrenreich
    rsvped 2014-04-15 05:17:37 -0400
  • Kate Cardona
    rsvped 2014-04-13 05:12:04 -0400
  • Martin A Gugino
    rsvped 2014-04-13 05:12:03 -0400
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-04-12 10:41:29 -0400
    Dear Ithaca area friends, We are organizing carpooling to reduce our impact on the Earth as we try to make a just world. We are inviting people to meet between 12 and 12:30 at Greenstar. We will leave remaining cars across the street by the Greenstar "Space") ~ John Hamilton 607-280-5191 (facebookless for LIFE, baby)
  • Garcia Romeo
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:53 -0400
  • Savannah Overton
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:53 -0400
  • Andrea Levine
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:53 -0400
  • Sheila Smart Sicilia
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:53 -0400
  • Ben Kuebrich
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:53 -0400
  • Kendall Carpenter
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:53 -0400
  • Melanie Carson Daniels
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:52 -0400
  • Oona Grady De Flaun
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:52 -0400
  • Grace Ritter
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:52 -0400
  • Stephen Burke
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:52 -0400
  • Teresa B Grady
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:52 -0400
  • Amanda Zackem
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:52 -0400
  • Laura Cocora
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:51 -0400
  • Mariangela Manu Mihai
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:51 -0400
  • Ray Pineda
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:51 -0400
  • Sarah Rice
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:51 -0400
  • sand Fessler
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:51 -0400
  • Lisa Guido
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:51 -0400
  • Peter Wetherbee
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:51 -0400
  • Ella Mendonca
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:51 -0400
  • Shemarr Phillips
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:51 -0400
  • Lee Knapp
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:51 -0400
  • Barbara Humphrey
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:50 -0400
  • Debra Sweet
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:50 -0400
  • Keeli Manning
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:50 -0400
  • Melissa Anderson Burress
    rsvped 2014-04-12 05:07:50 -0400

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