Fast Food Outreach Day! - Metro Justice

Fast Food Outreach Day!


Fast food workers across New York State are on the verge of a major victory! With the wage board brought together by the Governor determining a raise for the industry right now, we know that we've had success already.

In Rochester, fast food workers are on the move! Their strikes and leadership have led us to this moment. But now we need to talk with hundreds more fast food workers than ever before. We need dozens of volunteers to help us talk to every fast food worker in the city in the next few weeks.

Join us as we go talk with hundreds of fast food workers across the city to help them engage in this critical and urgent moment. 

We will begin with a brief training, Q&A, and then head into the field to sign up as many people as we can.

Can't make it to this day? Then come to the next one!

May 16, 2015 at 11:30am - 2:30pm
Spot Coffee (upstairs)
200 East Ave
Rochester, NY 14607
United States
Google map and directions
Kate Crane · · 585-939-5092

Who's RSVPing

Maureen McCarron
Becky Elwell

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  • Maureen McCarron
    rsvped 2015-05-13 21:11:58 -0400
  • Becky Elwell
    rsvped 2015-05-13 16:44:51 -0400

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