After 19 months of hard work the vote is finally here. The new code of conduct will be voted on by the Rochester City School District Board of Education on Thursday, June 16. We will begin our rally outside 131 W. Broad St., Rochester, NY at 6pm. The new code of conduct is a commitment to racial justice, to valuing every student, and to ending the school-to-prison pipeline.
Join us in celebrating this historic moment. The new code of conduct:
- Makes suspensions a last resort, keeping kids in the classroom where they belong.
- Creates clear guidelines for discipline to protect students of color from receiving harsher discipline for the same behavior as their white peers.
- Focuses on relationship building and getting to the root of trauma-related behavior.
- Limits the role of police within schools.
- Makes communication with parents a priority and adds protections for notifying parents when students are disciplined or arrested within schools(God Forbid).
- Seeks to repair harm and build life skills for students instead of focusing only on punishment.
This is a celebration of the work of hundreds of parents, teachers, administrators, and community-members. The new code of conduct is a jumping off point to reforming school climate and ending the school-to-prison pipeline. This victory will the lay the foundation for years a real community building. Be there to celebrate with us!
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