Organizing the Blues Volunteer Request - Metro Justice

Organizing the Blues Volunteer Request

Will you volunteer to help make the Organizing the Blues a successful and fun event?

  • Liz Alpert
    answered 2024-12-20 12:58:22 -0500
    Q: Will you volunteer to help make the Organizing the Blues a successful and fun event?
    A: Yes, I can help at the event on Feb. 8th.
  • Lauren Wiener
    answered 2024-12-19 21:10:01 -0500
    Q: Will you volunteer to help make the Organizing the Blues a successful and fun event?
    A: Yes, I can help at the event on Feb. 8th.
  • Jim Bearden
    published this page 2024-12-18 11:51:21 -0500

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