Staff - Metro Justice

Meet the Staff at Metro Justice!

Mohini Sharma

Organizing Director
(585) 397-3534
[email protected]

Mohini (she/her) joined Metro Justice as staff in March 2017 after engaging in the Fight for $15 and a Union as a volunteer and food service worker. She is a native of Rochester. Her experiences bartending and serving tables, as well as struggling with poverty throughout her late teens and early 20s, drive her dedication to build intersectional working class movements. After being the Rochester organizer for the NYS One Fair Campaign for tipped workers, Mohini now leads Metro Justice's social movement and organizing program. In collaboration with member leaders, Mohini currently directs Metro Justice's efforts around publicly controlled energy utilities, universal health care, and solidarity with local labor unions and community organizations. In her spare time, Mohini trains in mixed martial arts, is an avid hiker, enjoys travelling abroad, grows hot peppers with her partner to make their own hot sauces, and tries her best to keep up with their Border Collie/Australian Shepherd. She also welcomed her first child in May 2023!

Michelle Wenderlich

Organizer and Policy Specialist for the Rochester for Energy Democracy (RED) Campaign  
(585) 397-3539
[email protected]

Michelle (they/them) joined Metro Justice in 2022 and has been active in movements for energy democracy and climate justice since 2008, coming out of politicization in alter-globalization movements. They grew up in the Finger Lakes but cut their teeth in organizing mass actions against coal and campaigns for democratic public ownership of energy and free public transportation in Berlin, Germany. They became so interested in municipalization and the commons that they decided to research the Berlin campaign alongside a similar one in Minneapolis. There they worked for community control of the energy system with Community Power. Along the way they’ve done lots of organizing against pipelines, for racial, economic, and housing justice, and for Treaty rights, in Germany, Massachusetts and Minnesota. They hold a Master in Public Policy and Ph.D. in Geography. With combined grassroots, policy, and academic backgrounds, they’re excited to build power in Rochester! Additionally, they’re still active as an early music bassist, love to swim and cook, and dance in the streets whenever possible.

Jay Rowe

Office Manager

[email protected]

Jay (he/him) first became a Metro Justice member back in 2006, mostly out of a burgeoning curiosity about local progressive movements.  Within a couple of years he was becoming heavily involved with local environmental and community development causes.  In early 2015 he was hired as the part-time Metro Justice bookkeeper, and two years later moved up to the position of full-time office manager.  When he’s not working he’s most likely hanging out with his 3 amazing kids.   

Crescenzo Scipione

Fundraising & Membership Director

[email protected]

Born into a Metro Justice family, Crescenzo became active during the (second) Iraq War and has since organized with many local struggles. Highlights include defeating Mayoral Control of Rochester City Schools, numerous clinic and anti-eviction defenses, and the Rochester Fight for $15 and a Union. He served as Council Secretary for 4 years, and helped found the Rochester for Energy Democracy campaign. Crescenzo is an avid supporter of the Federation of Northeastern Syria, also known as Rojava.

Showing 4 reactions

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  • Raymond Banks
    commented 2024-01-27 18:18:00 -0500
    Me gusta esta organizacion porque ayuda y le ofrece apoyo a los mas necesitados de la coudad
  • suzanne phillips
    followed this page 2023-02-02 20:44:10 -0500
  • Alexia Salgado
    commented 2016-04-06 13:52:44 -0400
    Team highly qualified to face any kind of situation. Very cool! Fernanda Haten do Trader Esportivo
  • Michelle Metallo
    commented 2016-02-29 22:05:55 -0500
    Hi, I was at the Rally last week at the school board and wanted to touch base with the two girls that were volunteering there that live in Gates, NY.

    If someone can please have them reach out to me that would be awesome.
    MY name is Michelle Metallo and they can email me at [email protected]



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