Call Adam Bello to Support a Public Utility Study! - Metro Justice

Call Adam Bello to Support a Public Utility Study!

Thanks to our growing community movement, the County Legislature has introduced legislation for a public utility study! Progress is uncertain, however, because RG&E and their corporate allies are lobbying County Executive Adam Bello to prevent even studying a public utility. One of the biggest reasons why is that the Head of the Chamber of Commerce, Bob Duffy, is paid over $200,000 a year to serve on the board of RG&E’s parent company.

We know we’re not going to outspend RG&E; but unlike RG&E, we have the people on our side!

Please show up to our Mass Rally and March on Friday April 5 at 530, and also make a call to the County Executive to make it clear that the community is paying attention and he needs to side with us, not RG&E and their corporate front group! 

Additional context: The County Executive has been repeatedly sharing misleading information, and you may hear this from his staff. For one, local governments are not in danger of losing tax payments that RG&E currently pays. We collectively pay for these taxes through our rates, and will continue to do so with a new public utility. He is also vastly inflating estimates for the cost of the study and the cost of buying out RG&E. The truth remains - We pay all of RG&E’s costs, plus profits, now, and under a new utility, those costs would be lower, and a study would tell us how much and how to design a new utility. You can read more, including linked info sheets, here.
What is Adam Bello and RG&E afraid of by studying it? 

Call the County Executive at 585-753-1000 on Thur March 28, and let him know you want him to support a public utility study! RSVP Below to let us know you called, and share! 

This is a proposed script

Hi, my name is ---- and I live in ---- 

I support a public utility study to Replace RG&E and want Adam Bello to commit to supporting legislation. 

I believe that a study is the only way to answer many outstanding questions, and a public utility would open up ways to save money, invest in our community and workforce, act on climate, and have local control. It’s a common sense solution to the problem of energy profiteering, and our community deserves answers. 

[If you want, share a story of how RG&E has affected your life and why you want to see change]

Will the County Executive commit to supporting legislation for a public utility study?

March 28, 2024 at 9:00am - 5pm
Michelle Wenderlich · · 585-397-3539
Anthony Yiannakos Julie Miller Robert Cook Kayla Carpitella Alisha DiPaola Rachel Rosen Simpson Alice Carli Eileen Rehn

Who's RSVPing

Anthony Yiannakos
Julie Miller
Robert Cook
Kayla Carpitella
Alisha DiPaola
Rachel Rosen Simpson
Alice Carli
Eileen Rehn

Will you come?

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  • Anthony Yiannakos
    rsvped 2024-03-28 12:08:33 -0400
  • Julie Miller
    rsvped 2024-03-28 10:05:05 -0400
  • Robert Cook
    rsvped 2024-03-28 09:19:29 -0400
  • Kayla Carpitella
    rsvped 2024-03-28 09:17:52 -0400
  • Alisha DiPaola
    rsvped +1 2024-03-27 13:35:12 -0400
  • Rachel Rosen Simpson
    rsvped 2024-03-27 13:31:25 -0400
  • Alice Carli
    rsvped 2024-03-27 13:24:23 -0400
  • Eileen Rehn
    rsvped 2024-03-27 12:31:52 -0400
  • Michi Wenderlich
    published this page in Upcoming Events 2024-03-27 12:02:16 -0400

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