Raise the Minimum Wage!
Fund Our Schools!
Get Out The Vote (Shift 1)
November 4th
Where: 25 Ferris St., Rochester, NY
When: Tuesday, November 4th (12:00 PM)
In this year's State Senate elections, some major issues hang in the balance. Will New York State get a real raise in the minimum wage? Will the state properly and equitably fund our public schools? And whose voices will really be represented in Albany?
Metro Justice is committed to ensuring that those most directly impacted communities have their voices heard in all major issues that impact them. Increasing voter turn-out is an important way to help build the power of marginalized communities. Even more important, is engaging these communities in our long-term organizing efforts.
If you care about these issues and want every voice to be heard, please join us at 25 Ferris St. in Rochester, on Tuesday November 4th at Noon (12:00 PM).
Volunteers will be making phone calls, providing rides to voters, and knocking on doors! Coffee, bagels, other snacks and water will be provided.
Contact Eamonn Scanlon (585) 355-2765 if you need help with transportation or have other questions.

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