No One's Blood is Redder - Metro Justice

No One's Blood is Redder

Metro Justice is a democratic organization with hundreds of members, and a long history of opposing systemic oppression, imperialism, and war. As Metro Justice leadership, we cannot stay silent in the face of unfolding atrocities. We honor all our community’s grief, and hope for a just peace.

We're horrified by the October 7th attacks on Israeli civilians. Equally, there can be no justification for attacks on civilian targets in Gaza. We grieve for the thousands of Palestinian and Israeli lives lost. A just peace must begin with a rejection of both antisemitism and islamophobia. We believe that all people, Palestinians and Israelis, are entitled to the full realization of their human rights. Everyone on earth is entitled to freedom, peace, and self-determination.

Netanyahu and the Israeli far-right are exploiting their people's fear and grief as an excuse to commit genocide in Gaza. The IDF's siege of Gaza (cutting off food, medicine, and water), the order for 1.1 million people to evacuate northern Gaza, and the relentless bombing of civilian targets amount to an attempt at ethnic cleansing, in violation of international law. Far-right leaders in Israel and the US are openly calling for a second Nakba, and threatening to “level Gaza.” No attack, no matter how abhorrent, can justify war crimes. Hamas is an antisemitic, reactionary organization. Both the Palestinian and Israeli people deserve better than their respective far-right leaderships.

We echo the United Nations call for an immediate ceasefire. Israel must rescind the Gaza evacuation order, and allow a meaningful humanitarian corridor in and out of Gaza. The United States must ensure that Israel honors a ceasefire and complies with international law. The US must continue to negotiate for the safe release of those held captive by Hamas.

In the meantime, people of good conscience around the world should join the growing movement to avert the unthinkable. In the words of the Palestinian trade union movement: “We need you to take immediate action - wherever you are in the world - to prevent the arming of the Israeli state and the companies involved in the infrastructure of the blockade [of Gaza].”

In the long run, we echo calls for the United States to withdraw military support for all illegal occupations, in accordance with our own laws. The long-heralded Two-State Solution, using the 1967 borders, remains the best fulfillment of international law. Others have suggested a One-State Solution, with a secular binational democracy for all. Any just solution will need to respect the freedom, security, and human rights of all people.

May our grief bring us clarity in the ongoing struggle for justice around the world.

  • Crescenzo Scipione
    published this page in What's new? 2023-11-07 00:00:53 -0500

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