Have you had enough of expensive deductibles and copays to get healthcare? Of dental, vision, mental health, and long-term care not being covered? You’re not alone!
Join us for the Working People for NY Health Rally! This local rally is a part of a statewide week of action with the Campaign for NY Health to kick-off the statewide push to pass the NY Health Act THIS legislative session. The NY Health Act would create public, comprehensive, and guaranteed healthcare for all through an income-based tax -- no more expensive premiums, deductibles, and copays. Those earning $25,000 or less annually would pay nothing, and all but the wealthiest New Yorkers would pay less than they are now for healthcare. This would collectively save people and NYS more than $11 billion and ensure that everyone can get the care they need without cost being a barrier. Especially in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, the NY Health Act is simply the humane and practical thing to do. But, our leadership in state government are refusing to stand up to private insurance corporations and do what’s right for people.
To win, we need to show Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie that working people in Rochester, and across NYS, want the NY Health Act! That’s why we are gathering our supportive local state representatives, influential unions, and community leaders to call for the NY Health Act to come to a vote. We need to remind our state leadership that they are supposed to represent us instead of corporations. Come out with us to kick-off this year’s fight for universal healthcare strong. It’s time to win this thing!
Please RSVP below, and share our Facebook event!
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