Phone outreach for NY Health Act! - Metro Justice

Phone outreach for NY Health Act!

April is a big month to move the needle on affordable, universal healthcare for all New Yorkers. We are closer than ever to passing the New York Health Act, with majorities supporting the bill in both houses of the State Legislature. This beautiful movement has been building power across the state, and it is time to go to Albany to demand comprehensive healthcare that is free from the burden of expensive premiums, deductibles, copays, and limited networks.   

We need a strong showing of grassroots support in Albany on the 26th! Join us to call supporters across Rochester, and invite them to come to Albany with Metro Justice. Community groups, labor unions, and legislators will march, rally, and speak in one voice to demand elected leaders prioritize achieving meaningful reforms to advance health justice before they go on recess on June 2 to campaign for re-election.

Talking to someone on the phone is the most effective way to continue building relationships and to get a commitment from them to come to Albany. We'll be making phonecalls Saturday, April 9th between 1 - 4 PM. Please bring a phone, and laptop if you have one so that you can use our texting software to follow up with your phonecalls. While folks can show up whenever is convenient for them in that timeframe, we encourage folks to stay for at least one hour. Snacks and beverages will be provided! You will also be provided with a brief script and training before starting your calls.

Please RSVP below. 

April 09, 2022 at 1:00pm - 4pm
Metro Justice Community Room
1115 E Main Street Door #7
Rochester, NY 14609
United States
Google map and directions
Mohini Sharma · · 585-397-3534
Julie Miller Hannah Jackel-Dewhurst Neil Muir Julie Axtell Kaden Zellers London Chastain Sue Elliot Orezont Ragans Alice Carli

Who's RSVPing

Julie Miller
Hannah Jackel-Dewhurst
Neil Muir
Julie Axtell
Kaden Zellers
London Chastain
Sue Elliot
Orezont Ragans
Alice Carli

Will you come?

Showing 10 reactions

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  • Julie Miller
    rsvped 2022-04-09 09:04:18 -0400
  • Hannah Jackel-Dewhurst
    rsvped 2022-04-06 17:47:01 -0400
  • Neil Muir
    rsvped 2022-04-05 20:56:14 -0400
  • Julie Axtell
    rsvped 2022-04-05 19:25:33 -0400
  • Kaden Zellers
    rsvped 2022-04-05 15:51:01 -0400
  • London Chastain
    rsvped 2022-04-05 11:52:42 -0400
  • Sue Elliot
    rsvped 2022-04-05 10:44:11 -0400
  • Orezont Ragans
    rsvped 2022-04-05 10:40:27 -0400
  • Alice Carli
    rsvped 2022-04-05 10:38:39 -0400
  • Mohini Sharma
    published this page in Upcoming Events 2022-04-04 18:42:08 -0400

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