GAME CHANGER: Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a plan to dramatically raise pay for hundreds of thousands of fast-food workers across New York state.
This is what happens when workers join together, go on strike, and demand $15.
Our two and a half year movement for $15 and union rights has changed the politics of the country, and made $15 a baseline for what working people need to support themselves and their families. In response, the governor of New York has convened a three-person Wage Board to decide on a substantial increase in fast-food worker pay.
What happens next is up to us.
Let’s make New York the first state in the union with a $15 wage for fast-food workers.
Sign below and tell the Wage Board it is time for $15 in New York. Help the Fight for 15 win fast-food workers’ most important victory yet by signing on right now.
(and solidarity with the teachers!)