Wage Board Screening and Fight for 15 Rally! - Metro Justice

Wage Board Screening and Fight for 15 Rally!

CIIarJUWoAA8tTS.jpgThe Fight for 15 has made amazing strides in New York and across the country. We are on the verge of a major victory for 180,000 fast food workers across our state.

As fast food strikes spread from New York City, then to Rochester, then to Buffalo, then to Albany, we knew that the Fight for 15 was having a major impact on New York State. Only 2 weeks after our April 15th strikes, Governor Cuomo announces a Wage Board to investigate the wage rate in the fast food industry.

Now after 4 hearings, with over 25 hours of testimony in favor of $15, after hearing from hundreds of individuals, businesses, organizations, churches, and more in support of $15, the Wage Board will come out with their recommendation.

The Wage Board will be meeting in New York City, but we will have a viewing party of the meeting as it happens live. After the meeting we will take to the streets, likely celebrating a major worker victory. We will march to McDonald's on Culver and East Main to celebrate the victory and hold a brief press conference with fast food workers and their allies.

This will be an historic day, don't miss out!

July 22, 2015 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Parsells Community Church
345 Parsells Ave
Rochester, NY 14609
United States
Google map and directions
Colin O'Malley · · 716-400-6287

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Jo Cummings
Ron Linville

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  • Jo Cummings
    rsvped 2015-07-15 15:57:46 -0400
  • Ron Linville
    rsvped 2015-07-15 14:05:24 -0400

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