We Can’t Wait
Fund Our Public Schools!
October 14th Press Conference
On October 14th: parents, teachers, community organizations and state lawmakers from Rochester will be speaking out for the hundreds of millions of dollars our schools have been short-changed these past few years. Back in 2007 the Campaign for Fiscal Equity forced New York State to address the huge inequities in school funding that total billions of dollars throughout the state. Just as the money began to trickle in the great recession took hold. With a healing economy and flush state coffers, the time for excuses is over.
Rochester and Monroe County deserve better. Metro Justice and the Alliance for Quality Education are calling on all state lawmakers to pledge their commitment to equitable school funding. Metro Justice is holding a press conference on October 14th at 11 AM, at the Sully Public Library. Speakers will include: State Senator Ted O'Brien, Assemblyman Harry Bronson, James Bearden Education Committee Co-Chair at Metro Justice, Jennifer Banister Development & Collaborations Manager at Teen Empowerment, and several other concerned parents, teachers and community members.
What: We Can't Wait Press Conference for School Funding
Where: 530 Webster Avenue, Children's Room (Sully Public Library)
When: October 14th, 2014 at 11 AM
530 Webster Ave
Rochester, NY 14609
United States
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