Strategic Plan: Analysis of the moment - Metro Justice

Strategic Plan: Analysis of the moment

If we're going to develop a strategy of how we want to change the world, we should have some common understandings about what the current state of the world actually is. As progressives, radicals, or revolutionaries, many in our organization have similar, broad understandings of the state of the current moment. We hope that through this initial conversation, we can develop some real depth to our collective understanding of political, social, and economic moment that we are currently living. We also hope to identify some trends that we either hope to reverse or that may serve as opportunities for our political tendency. 

Key Themes to Address:

  • Economic inequality
  • Climate Crisis
  • Racial inequality and race relations
  • War and imperialism
  • State of the Left - locally, regionally, nationally, internationally
  • State of Rochester and New York State
  • Who is the opposition?

Suggested Readings and Videos:

We know that for us to have a real commitment to this conversation, we also need to commit ourselves to on-going learning. We hope that these writings and videos are not the end of the list, but the beginning. Share with us through the discussions your suggestions for readings!

On the importance of strategy:

On Rochester:

On Economic Inequality:

On the State of the Left:

Climate Crisis:

The State of the Right:

Meetings that will discuss the plan:


  • Conclusions will be posted as we arrive at them! By March 31st, this will include the written statement of Metro Justice's Analysis of the Moment.
  • This conversation has concluded and it's written summary can be found here.



Showing 2 reactions

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  • George Orlov
    commented 2016-11-10 02:11:29 -0500
    Do you have confidence in the climate crisis? If not why? On the off chance that you do have faith in it how would you anticipate aiding and how might we be able to persuaded the others of it?!!! Now I am looking this for get some help. I trust we ought to do our best to persuade everybody to join our powers for a superior future.
  • Angelina Dennard
    commented 2016-09-15 07:29:28 -0400
    To create a business strategy one should be aware of a matter and have a clear vision of the problem that has its place and is awaiting for the solution. To solve a problem, develop your personal strategy – strategic plan. Read more how to develop strategy for your dissertation work at website. Follow tips from business people.

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