Annual Members Meeting 2021 - Metro Justice

Annual Members Meeting 2021

Our Annual Members’ Meeting is coming up in January! Our organization’s strength is directly derived from you, our members, so we strongly encourage you to attend the meeting to help mold our 2021 goals and plans.

We will approve a 2021 budget, hear a brief report on each of our Campaigns, Committees, and Task Forces, elect a new slate of Council members, and set our vision for the coming year. You will also learn about how to participate in Metro Justice’s campaigns and committees to achieve that vision. We are excited that Assemblymember Demond Meeks of the 137th District will deliver our Keynote Address! 

This is an open meeting but only members in good standing can vote. You are a member if you have made a contribution of record in the last 12 months to Metro Justice, Inc. or Metro Justice Education Fund. If needed, you can renew your membership before the annual meeting at or by mail. Membership questions can be addressed to [email protected] .

Please register and RSVP in advance by filling out this form! You will recevie the Zoom link to join after your registration is approved. 

If you have any questions about the meeting please don't hesitate to reach out to us directly. Although we will not be able to meet in person this year, we are very much looking forward to seeing you virtually on January 30, 2021!

January 30, 2021 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Register here: https://bitly/mjannualmeeting2021
Rochester, NY 14607
United States
Google map and directions
Mohini Sharma · · 585-397-3534
richard rosen John Noronha Bridget Watts

Who's RSVPing

richard rosen
John Noronha
Bridget Watts

Will you come?

Showing 4 reactions

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • richard rosen
    rsvped 2021-01-30 14:08:21 -0500
  • John Noronha
    rsvped +1 2021-01-30 13:47:00 -0500
  • Bridget Watts
    rsvped +1 2021-01-03 18:14:32 -0500
  • Mohini Sharma
    published this page 2020-12-01 13:43:01 -0500

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