We know that the threats of climate change are an increasingly powerful and are impacting more and more people throughout the world. Climate change isn't a question, it is already a profound force in many peoples' lives.
We also know that communities of color and the working class are often the first and worst hit. If we hope to genuinely build a sustainable world, we must fight climate change from a foundation in economic and racial justice.
To genuinely challenge climate change will mean challenging poverty, segregation, corporate dominance and ownership of major portions of the economy. Ultimately, it will mean a fight for democracy itself.
At our Annual Meeting in 2017, Metro Justice committed to building a climate justice wing of our organization that held these understandings at their foundation. The demands will be centered around the needs of the working class and communities of color. The voices up front will be those of the working class and communities of color.
That said, we will work to find a role for everyone. Because to change everything, we need everyone. Sign up here, if you're interested in helping us develop and roll out this wing of our organization!
We also know that communities of color and the working class are often the first and worst hit. If we hope to genuinely build a sustainable world, we must fight climate change from a foundation in economic and racial justice.
To genuinely challenge climate change will mean challenging poverty, segregation, corporate dominance and ownership of major portions of the economy. Ultimately, it will mean a fight for democracy itself.
At our Annual Meeting in 2017, Metro Justice committed to building a climate justice wing of our organization that held these understandings at their foundation. The demands will be centered around the needs of the working class and communities of color. The voices up front will be those of the working class and communities of color.
That said, we will work to find a role for everyone. Because to change everything, we need everyone. Sign up here, if you're interested in helping us develop and roll out this wing of our organization!
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