Equal Pay: We've Waited Long Enough!
Martha Burk, a women's issue expert and perhaps best known for challenging the Augusta National Golf Club's all-male membership policy at the 2002 Masters Tournament, will speak on “Equal Pay: We’ve Waited Long Enough!” on April 3, 7:00 pm, at the AAUW Perkins Mansion, 494 East Ave.
Her talk comes a few days ahead of Equal Pay Day, the date which symbolizes the extra days in 2014 women must work to earn what men earned in 2013.
Among other items, Martha will address why women not knowing how much they are being paid relative to their co-workers is the single biggest barrier for women achieving equal pay. This employee’s right to share wage information with other employees without being retaliated against is an important part of the NYS Women’s Equality Act (which passed the NYS Assembly but not the Senate last year).
Martha is co-founder of the Center for Advancement of Public Policy, serves as the Money Editor for Ms. Magazine, and is a frequent blogger for Huffington Post. Her latest book is Your Voice, Your Vote: The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Power, Politics, and the Change We Need.
Rochester NOW and M. Spurrier Financial Service are sponsoring the Equal Pay Day event with co-sponsors the Rochester Branch of AAUW, WELD, and Metro Justice. The event is free and open to the public.

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