March 12 Albany - Metro Justice

CANCELLED: No More Excuses Rally in Albany

We regret to announce that due to severe weather warnings, our bus trip to Albany tomorrow for the No More Excuses Rally has been cancelled. Our brothers and sisters from downstate will still send our message loud and clear: No More Excuses! Fully fund public education!

Our struggle for sufficient state funding for public education is also a part of the fight for a fair New York State budget. Governor Cuomo has proposed a budget that would seriously under-fund education as well as bring drastic austerity cuts in a number of other areas in order to give tax breaks to millionaires, corporations, and Wall Street banks.

Metro Justice will be going to Albany on Thursday March 20th to show the Governor and the Legislature that Inequality in New York’s budget is unacceptable. The more people come with us, the stronger that message becomes. We need you to join us on March 20th to Demand a NY that Works for All of Us!

March 12, 2014 at 6:30am - 6:30pm
NYSUT Building
30 N Union St
Rochester, NY 14607
United States
Google map and directions
Jim Bearden · · 585-473-7446
Candace rubin Mrs Morales Christine Noble Meghan McCarty Meghan McCarty Sheila Griffin Colin O'Malley Katharina Jackson Chris Cummings Crescenzo Scipione

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Showing 14 reactions

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  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-03-11 14:46:49 -0400
    But you can always come with us on the 20th to demand that NY work for all of us instead of just the 1%!
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-03-11 14:42:42 -0400
  • Candace rubin
    rsvped 2014-03-09 05:14:03 -0400
  • Mrs Morales
    rsvped 2014-03-06 13:45:40 -0500
  • Christine Noble
    rsvped +1 2014-02-28 20:01:29 -0500
  • Meghan McCarty
    rsvped 2014-02-28 15:00:26 -0500
  • Meghan McCarty
    rsvped 2014-02-28 15:00:25 -0500
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-02-27 21:27:38 -0500
    Please RSVP: March 12 Albany
  • Sheila Griffin
    rsvped +1 2014-02-27 21:23:09 -0500
  • Colin O'Malley
    rsvped 2014-02-27 05:25:30 -0500
  • Katharina Jackson
    rsvped 2014-02-27 05:25:29 -0500
  • Chris Cummings
    rsvped 2014-02-27 05:25:29 -0500
  • Crescenzo Scipione
    rsvped 2014-02-26 05:31:56 -0500
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-02-25 14:06:05 -0500

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