Prospect Mailing Party - Metro Justice

Summer Prospect Mailing, Shift 3



Join us for shift 3 of our massive prospect mailing.  Help us get it done and out the door.  There are thousands of folks in Rochester committed to fighting for racial, social, and economic fights of our day, but are not yet connected to Metro Justice. These people are prospective members. To grow our movement locally we have a number of strategies at work to do exactly this. One of these strategies includes prospect mailing and we need volunteers like you to come to help out.

We hope you can join us on Friday June 16th from 2-6 pm to enjoy some refreshments with fellow members and help stuff envelopes to be mailed to prospective members.

We will be meeting at the Metro Justice offices at 1115 East Main St., Door 7, Suite 207A. 
Hope to see you there because we could sure use the help!

June 16, 2017 at 2:00pm - 6pm
Metro Justice
1115 E MAIN St
Door 7, Suite 207A
Rochester, NY 14609
United States
Google map and directions
Andrew Thomas · · 585-397-3535
Angela Tona Stephanie Hicks Otto Koltay

Who's RSVPing

Angela Tona
Stephanie Hicks
Otto Koltay

Will you come?

Showing 3 reactions

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • Angela Tona
    rsvped 2017-06-16 00:29:40 -0400
  • Stephanie Hicks
    rsvped 2017-06-16 00:29:39 -0400
  • Otto Koltay
    rsvped 2017-06-15 13:09:37 -0400

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