On Wednesday, 6 out of the 7 Rochester City School District Board Members stood with parents, teachers, administrators, and community members to celebrate all the work taking place on positive school climate and show support for the new code of conduct set to be passed by the end of June.
Before that crucial vote a public hearing will be held next Thursday, June 2nd at 6:30pm. This hearing will be the community's last chance to give input on the new proposed code of conduct.
The new code will lay the foundation for transforming school climate in Rochester. This fight has been long and divisive as the forces of institutionalized racism and oppression are deeply entrenched. We must stand up for a future where every child's wellbeing is valued, where we promote solutions rather than excuses. The criminalization of young people must end, the status quo is unacceptable.
Be there at 131 W. Broad St., Rochester, NY, on Thursday June 2nd at 6:30pm, to show your support for just and fair policies for all members of the school community!
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