Welcome to Rochester for Energy Democracy (R.E.D.)!
This year at Pride, Metro Justice will be marching with our RED Campaign as the Public Power Rangers to "take the power back!"
Join us for an evening at the Metro Justice Community Room to begin making our banner, signs, costumes, and do other preparations for a vibrant and inspiring contingent. Please RSVP below! We welcome folks bringing snacks and drinks to share.
For some background on RED: For-profit, investor-owned utilities like RG&E keep raising our rates, only to neglect maintenance of the grid and expand fossil fuel infrastructure. On top of that, oil and gas continue to lobby against a fast and massive transition to renewable energy. As a result, we all pay more than we should in energy bills while the continued use of fossil fuels pushes us towards catastrophic environmental damage.
In R.E.D., we believe that in order to combat the climate crisis and ensure environmental justice in the long-term, we must fundamentally transform our energy economy. We need to build an energy system that meets the needs of communities instead of meeting the greed of distant investors and CEOs. We also need a shift to energy that is 100% clean and renewable. We believe this is possible if we takeover RG&E with a public, local, and community controlled utility. This will give communities a say in what kind of energy we use, whom we get it from, and how the money we pay is used to benefit our community. Furthermore, everyone could only pay what is necessary to develop and maintain energy infrastructure, taking millions in profits for investors and CEOs out of the picture. We can also make sure that all jobs associated with the utility are local union jobs that pay family-sustaining wages with benefits.
Directions to Metro Justice:
- Our address is 1115 East Main Street, the Hungerford Building on the corner of East Main Street and North Goodman Street.
- Go to door #7. Use the intercom to the left of the door to dial "207", then push the "bell" button to call up to our office. We'll buzz you in.
- Go to the second floor, then all the way down the hall in front of you; our office is to your left, suite 207A.
1115 E Main Street Door #7
Rochester, NY 14609
United States
Google map and directions

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