9/8/2024 Door to Door Outreach for a Public Utility - Metro Justice

9/8/2024 Door to Door Outreach for a Public Utility

Did you know that we can vote out the foreign-owned, for-profit corporation that owns and controls RG&E? RG&E and their foreign owners continue to overcharge and fail our community without accountability. The solution is a tried and true one: a non-profit, locally owned, public utility. 

Despite an epidemic of ongoing billing errors and dysfunctional customer service, state regulators rewarded RG&E with a 34% rate hike over the next 3 years. We deserve a future in which we are no longer beholden to a profit-driven, foreign company for our basic energy needs. We deserve to have the chance to make an informed choice on whether we maintain the status quo with RG&E or establish a public, locally owned, non-profit utility instead!

The first step is a comprehensive feasibility and implementation study. City residents are the hardest hit by RG&E’s insane bills and neglect, so our RED (Rochester for Energy Democracy) Campaign for a public utility is returning to its roots as a city-based campaign. Because the City of Rochester has set aside 500 thousand dollars to reduce energy burden on city residents, we must push for the City to use those funds to commission an implementation study. The vast majority of public utility studies are funded and initiated at the city-level, even if the study covers a larger region. Rochester can do this too; our City leadership owes it to residents to study a publicly owned alternative to the persistent greed and incompetence of RG&E. 

It’ll take a lot of public pressure from residents to outweigh RG&E's political influence and convince the City to lead where the County failed. So, join us for this outreach day! 

The outreach day is on Sunday, September 8th from 12 - 5 PM, starting at the Metro Justice Office. We'll kick off with a comprehensive training on how to have compelling, in-depth conversations with people to move them towards action. Then, we'll go knock on doors in pairs to speak with residents! Snacks and beverages will be provided! Here is the guideline for the door-to-door conversation and an FAQ to address common concerns. We encourage you to review them in advance as well! 

Accessibility note: The office is up a flight of stairs. If stairs present a barrier to you but you would like to walk to door knock, please contact [email protected] so we can find an alternate location. 

RSVP below!

September 08, 2024 at 12:00pm - 5pm
Metro Justice Office
389 Gregory St
Rochester, NY 14620
United States
Google map and directions
Mohini Sharma · · 585-397-3534

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