Rochester Ed Walk - Metro Justice

Local Walk for Public Education Funding


Ten years ago the New York State Court of Appeals ruled every child deserves a sound basic education.  The Court ordered the NYS Legislature and Governor to increase education funding by billions of dollars to high needs school districts. After 10 years, the Republican-Controlled State Senate and Governor Andrew Cuomo refuse to acknowledge the $3.9 Billion they owe schools. Now it's time to deliver the bill!

Join Metro Justice and the Alliance for Quality Education on Friday September 30th at 5pm as we walk from the Liberty Pole downtown, to the Governor's regional office. We will be delivering a bill for all the Foundation Aid owed to Monroe County schools. Ten years is an entire generation of children. Will Governor Cuomo and our local State Senators Rich Funke, Joe Robach, and Michael Ranzenhofer write off the next generation too? Be a part of this important demonstration to let them know 10 years is too long for a child to wait!

What: Walk for Public Education Funding (Campaign for Fiscal Equity, Ten Years Later) 

When: Friday, September 30 at 5pm 

Where: The Liberty Pole, 1 Liberty Pole Way, Rochester, NY 14604


September 30, 2016 at 5:00pm - 7pm
The Liberty Pole
1 Liberty Pole Way
Rochester, NY 14604
United States
Google map and directions
Caroline Cota-Buckhout ·

Who's RSVPing

Edward Vesneske
Katharina Jackson

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  • Edward Vesneske
    rsvped 2016-09-19 18:29:18 -0400
  • Katharina Jackson
    rsvped 2016-09-19 18:16:16 -0400

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