Uniting and Resisting - Metro Justice

What the %!$! Just Happened, America? Uniting and Resisting

Uniting_and_Resisting.jpgWith Trump as our next President, where do we go from here? Many are retreating into fear, many are resigned with the loss, but many of us are preparing for the fight-back! 

Already the signs of a growing resistance movement can be seen. What will this movement look like? What fights will we take on? How can you get involved early? 

A panel of powerful community leaders will discuss the future of political resistance that lay ahead. We hope you'll join us for an inspirational and engaging night.

There will be free childcare available at the event.

This panel will be moderated by Denise Young, President of Metro Justice. The panelists are:

Iman Abid, New York Civil Liberties Union


As a second generation American citizen, Iman Abid has held her Palestinian roots close to her heart. Born and raised in Rochester, NY she has been involved in a multitude of issues ranging from refugee settlement to criminal justice reform. She currently works as an Organizer for the New York Civil Liberties Union, an affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union. She also serves as a Board of Director for the Center for Youth and works with the Civic Engagement Committee of the Islamic Center of Rochester. She spends time writing policies and working on collaborative community projects. She is passionate about civil rights, social justice and holding the promoting a proper balance between national security and privacy.

Betty DeFazio, Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York


Since 2001, Betty DeFazio has been with Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York (PPCWNY) utilizing her extensive experience in advocacy. Late in 2006, she was appointed as the regional Director of Community Affairs and Public Policy where she handles reproductive health advocacy for PPCWNY’s eighteen-county region. She also serves as the PPCWNY media representative in Syracuse.

In January 2012, DeFazio was named Executive Director of PPPCWNY Action Fund (PPRSR Action Fund). The PPCWNY Action Fund works closely with the statewide and national groups – Planned Parenthood Advocates of New York (PPANY) and Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPAF) – encouraging public and political support for reproductive rights and women's health care.

The Kharas Award was given to DeFazio for her advocacy in reproductive health care from the Central New York Chapter of the New York Civil Liberties Union in September 2012.

Her other community roles include serving on the steering committee of the Human Services Leadership Council of Central New York in Syracuse; and she is a member of the Thursday Morning Roundtable, a weekly civic group that meets to discuss community issues. DeFazio formerly was President of the Board of Directors of REACH CNY and was on the steering committee of the Onondaga Community Sexual Trauma Task Force.

She is the past president of the Onondaga Citizen’s League (OCL) Board and chaired the 2007 OCL study on “Health Inequalities & Disparities in Onondaga County.” DeFazio is also a past president of the Central New York Chapter of the National Organization for Women and remains active on its Board. Formerly, she was at Enable, the Syracuse affiliate of the Cerebral Palsy Associations, where she had served as the Director of Communications and Development.

Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York empowers individuals to take responsibility for their sexual and reproductive health by providing health care, support for survivors of sexual assault, education and advocacy.

Renan Salgado, Worker Justice Center of New York


Renan Salgado was born in Ecuador and migrated to the United States in 1984.  He is the Senior Human Trafficking Specialist at the Worker Justice Center, formerly known as Farmworker Legal Services, and has been investigating cases of migrant farmworker exploitation since January of 2000.  Renan has been dedicating his career to the fight against human trafficking in agriculture, and recently has expanded his investigations to other industries, mostly focusing on labor trafficking.  He is responsible for the creation of multiple Human Trafficking Taskforces throughout NY, working in cases together with agents from the FBI, Homeland Security, State Police, and local law enforcement units throughout the state.  Renan has also been training local, state, and federal  Law Enforcement agents  since 2007, and has been a keynote speaker and panelist at various National and International Human Trafficking conferences.  Renan has been named a New York State New Abolitionist and is also a co-chair of the national Freedom Network's Training Institute. 

Chanel Snead, Building Leadership and Community Knowledge

Colin O'Malley, Metro Justice


Since 2010, Colin has been with Metro Justice and currently serves as Organizing Director.

Colin began organizing for social and economic justice at 17 as part of the Buffalo Activist Network, which organized against corporate globalization agreements and organizations such as the World Trade Organization and the Free Trade Area of the Americas. Since then he has organized for workers rights with Buffalo Jobs with Justice organizing high school students, as a regional organizer for United Students Against Sweatshops, a Justice for Janitors campaign at the University at Buffalo, and prior to coming to Rochester organized public housing tenants into Buffalo Tenants United. He spent 2007 in Argentina learning from the Recuperated Factories Movement, and brings much of his inspiration from the movements of Argentina to his work in Rochester with Metro Justice. 

December 13, 2016 at 7:00pm - 9pm
First Universalist Church
150 S Clinton Ave
Rochester, NY 14604
United States
Google map and directions

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  • Andrew Thomas
    published this page 2016-11-30 12:41:14 -0500
  • Abby Comstock-Gay
    followed this page 2016-11-30 12:37:54 -0500
  • Colin O'Malley
    followed this page 2016-11-30 12:37:41 -0500

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