Fast Food Worker Tour Launch - Metro Justice

Fast Food Worker Tour Launch

Fast Food Worker Tour Launch




Local fast food workers will be speaking at the University of Rochester

on Thursday, March 19th to kick off the city-wide Fight for $15 speaking tour. 

University of Rochester students and professors will also speak at the event. 


The Fight for $15 is a national movement demanding an industry-wide $15 per 

hour wage and to form a union without retaliation. The Rochester community

has joined the movement and is standing up for the fight for a wage raise and

against poverty. 


By attending the event, you will be supporting the Fight for $15 campaign and 

will hear from many perspectives, including a first hand account from a local 

fast food worker. To find out how to be more involved in this incredible campaign, 

show up on March 19th

March 19, 2015 at 7:00pm - 10pm
University of Rochester, 2-162 Dewey Hall
Jordan Polcyn-Evans ·
Colin O'Malley

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Colin O'Malley

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